Composite wire with enhanced radiopacity, elasticity, and electrochemical behavior

  • Published April 1st, 2021


A new patent-pending technology to enhance the radiopacity (x-ray visibility) of wires is under development in Fort Wayne Metals R&D. Building upon our DFT® wire platform, this technique replaces the typically metallic core material with a radiopaque powder. Doing so may provide several advantages. In Nitinol, the radiopacity can be significantly enhanced without the cost or mechanical penalty (at high core ratios) of platinum. In magnesium, radiopacity can be achieved without inducing galvanic reactions as more radiopaque and noble metals would do. 


a magnified view of metallic powder within a standard DFT composite wire sheath


For more details and a look at some early results, please read our white paper. 


Click here to see previous highlights.

Disclaimer: Our monthly highlights are sneak peeks of what our R & D department is working on. This does not mean we have what is referenced above ready for manufacturing.

Composite wire with enhanced radiopacity, elasticity, and electrochemical behavior

  • Published April 1st, 2021


A new patent-pending technology to enhance the radiopacity (x-ray visibility) of wires is under development in Fort Wayne Metals R&D. Building upon our DFT® wire platform, this technique replaces the typically metallic core material with a radiopaque powder. Doing so may provide several advantages. In Nitinol, the radiopacity can be significantly enhanced without the cost or mechanical penalty (at high core ratios) of platinum. In magnesium, radiopacity can be achieved without inducing galvanic reactions as more radiopaque and noble metals would do. 


a magnified view of metallic powder within a standard DFT composite wire sheath


For more details and a look at some early results, please read our white paper. 


Click here to see previous highlights.

Disclaimer: Our monthly highlights are sneak peeks of what our R & D department is working on. This does not mean we have what is referenced above ready for manufacturing.